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캐릭터 Character

[ODOC] 클래시로얄 베이비 드레곤 Babydragon


클래시로얄을 하면서 가장 귀여워하는 캐릭터 베이비 드레곤. 사람들이 많이 쓰진 않지만 귀여워서 계속 쓴다. 인페르노 드레곤이나 라바 하운드보다는 더 귀여웡 ㅋ

“Flying troops that deals area damage. Baby dragons hatch cute, hungry, and ready for a barbecue”

1 Its attacks deal area damage, so it can easily defeat Archers, Spear Goblins and Skeletons from the Witch or the Skeleton Army.
2 The Baby Dragon’s area damage allows it to effectively support and protect key units such as the Giant and the Giant Skeletonfrom mass, low-hitpoint units that will deal high damage.
3 This is more effective due to its ability to fly, allowing it to attack without endangering itself.
4 The Baby Dragon is quite easy to counter, as it does very low damage. One of the most effective counters is to use a singleMusketeer as her firepower is enough to take on the Baby Dragon alone.
